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Glass Buildings

Jay B. Abrams, CFO


Mr. Jay B. Abrams

ï‚· Author of 2 McGraw-Hill Books, 2 more John Wiley & Sons Books, and 20+ Quantitative Articles
ï‚· Business Valuations
ï‚· Economic Damages/Expert Witness
ï‚· Fairness & Solvency Opinions
ï‚· Fractional Interest Discount Studies
ï‚· Restricted Stock Discount Studies
ï‚· FAS 123, 123R, 141, and 142
ï‚· IRC 409A Discount Studies
ï‚· Valuation of Life Insurance Policies
ï‚· Merger & Acquisition Analysis
ï‚· Advanced Statistics & Mathematics to collaborate on Real Estate Valuation Issues (though not a real estate appraiser)
ï‚· Arm’s Length Compensation Studies
Books Authored
Already Published
ï‚· Quantitative Business Valuation: A Mathematical Approach for Today’s Professionals, ©2001, McGraw-Hill, ISBN #: 0-07-000215-0.1 This is a high-end, mathematical text for professional business appraisers, with a 5-Star rating on
ï‚· Quantitative Business Valuation: A Mathematical Approach for Today’s Professionals, 2nd Edition, ©2010 John Wiley & Sons, in the elite Wiley Finance Section. Wiley has requested that Abrams produce a workbook to accompany the 3rd edition. 5-Star rated on Amazon.
ï‚· How to Value Your Business and Increase Its Potential ©2005, McGraw-Hill, ISBN #: 0-07-139520-2. This is a text for the lay

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