CEO and founder of PATTERNOX LTD. Invented the technology.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ofiraharon
Email: ofir@patternox.com
CEO and founder of Scade-Medical LTD. Invented the technology.
CTO Dep. Managed the Advanced LAB at KLA-Tencor.
CTO Dep. Project Manager: Laser to blind missiles (Collaboration between Elop-Elbit and Sorek, https://nrcn.gov.il)
Inventor of Electro-Optics Devices, the BlueSky Scanner, and PatScope Scanners.
Dr. Aharon holds a Ph.D. in Electro-Optics, Specializing in Liquid Crystal Devices for bio-imaging systems and computational electromagnetism.
Dr. Aharon was involved in international projects in electromagnetism at the GSI, the particle accelerator in Darmstadt, Germany. While at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, he contributed to the field of nonlinear fiber optics. His essays and articles based on his research have been published in international scientific journals. Dr, Aharon has lectured at several professional conferences and has published over two dozen papers and articles.
Dr. Aharon was part of a research team at the CTO Department of Elop (Elbit systems), managed projects, and later had a position at the Advance Development Group as part of the CTO of KLA-Tencor USA (Nano and Microelectronics). He managed a futuristic project at the Advanced LAB. He is also the inventor of optical devices such as the DOSI method in his Ph.D. and SGPI & LMB methods in the frame of Patternox. He was Meopta’s representative and mediator in Samsung’s CTO and LG’s CTO - Korea headquarters.
Publications and conferences
• Conferences year 2024: https://www.patternox.com/conferences2024
• A guest of the first American Mediterranean Investment Forum 2023, Joseph Sassoon Group
• Singapore-Israel Healthtech Summit 2023 July 25, 2023 Patternox was chosen to be part of the Singapore-Israel delegation.
• 7th international congress on dermatology and trichology 2022
• Skin cancer diagnosis is about to undergo a revolution, 2021.
• Keynote speaker at the 20th European Dermatology Congress April 29-30, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic
• A Patent-pending 2020, Confidential. Ofir Aharon (National Stage, after IDS).
• A Patent, pending Barak B., Irina V., Ofir Aaharon, Dov G.B., Zeev B. WO 2014138741 A1, Pupil plane calibration for scatterometry overlay measurement
• Ofir Aharon, 2013 Patent US 20130307950 A1, Optical polarimetric imaging.
• Ofir Aharon, Ibrahim Abdulhalim, Ofer Arnon, Lior Rosenberg, Victor Dyomin, Eldad Silberstein, "Differential optical spectropolarimetric imaging system assisted by liquid crystal devices for skin imaging," Journal of Biomedical Optics, August Vol. 16, No. 8 (2011).
• Ofir Aharon, Ofer Arnon, Alex Borozovski, Yuval Kriger, Lior Rosenberg, Ibrahim Abdulhalim, "תאור מערכת הדמיה ספקטרו-פולרימטרית למטרת איבחון לא פולשני של סרטן עור" REFUAH Journal - Israel (2011).
• Ofir Aharon, Ibrahim Abdulhalim, "Liquid crystal wavelength-independent continuous polarization rotator", Optical Engineering, Vol. 49, 034002 (2010)
• Ofer Arnon, Ofir Aharon, S. Mor, A. Safrani, A. Bogdanov-Berezovsky, L. Rosenberg and I. Abdulhalim, DETECTION OF SKIN TUMORS WITH AN OPTICAL SPECTRO-POLARIMETRIC IMAGING SYSTEM (OSPI). The 36th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Plastic Surgery
• Ofir Aharon, Avner Safrani, Shahar Mor, Ibrahim Abdulhalim, Biomedical optical imaging assisted by liquid crystal devices, (Italy OLC2009 conference)
• Ibrahim Abdulhalim, Ofir Aharon, Avner Safrani1, Shahar Mor, (Moscow LLC-2009 conference)
• Ofir Aharon, Ibrahim Abdulhalim, "Liquid crystal Lyot tunable filter with extended free spectral range", Optics Express, Vol. 17, No. 14, 6 July 2009, PDF.
• Ofir Aharon, Ibrahim Abdulhalim, "Tunable optical filter having a large dynamic range", Optics Letters, Vol. 34, No. 14 / July 15, 2009, PDF. Also can be found at Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (VJBO).
• Ofir Aharon, Ibrahim Abdulhalim, "Design of Wide Band Tunable Birefringent Filters with Liquid Crystals", (PIERS 2009 in Moscow)
• Abdulhalim I., Ofir Aharon, Safrani Avner, Mor Shahar, "Biomedical optical imaging assisted by liquid crystal devices, Florence Expo, Italy (Co-writer).
• Avner Safrani1, Ofir Aharon, Shahar Mor, Ofer Arnon, Lior Rosenberg, and I. Abdulhalim1, "Skin biomedical optical imaging system using dual wavelength polarimetric control with liquid crystals", J. Biomed. Opt. 15, 026024 (Apr 19, 2010)
• Ofir Aharon, Avner Safrani, Riki Moses, and I. Abdulhalim, "Liquid crystal tunable filters and polarization controllers for biomedical optical imaging, (Proc. SPIE, Los Angeles)
• Ofir Aharon, M. Auslender and S. Hava, "Optical and polarization phase manipulation of diffraction from grating nanostructure at excited waveguide resonance," Optical Materials, Volume 30, Issue 11, Pages 1731-1734, July (2008).
• Ofir Aharon, M. Auslender and S. Hava, Properties of coherent beam diffracted by multilayer grating in conical mounting (Proc. OASIS).
• Ofir Aharon, M. Auslender and S. Hava, Polarization and Geometrical Phase Properties of Coherent Beam Diffracted by Grating in Conical Mounting (Israel - France Conference).
• Ofir Aharon, M. Auslender and S. Hava, Geometrical phase manipulated coherent beam defection by diffraction grating structures in conical mounting (ICO conference)
• Ofir Aharon, Boris Melomed, Yehuda Band, Uri Mahlab, "Minimization of the pulse’s timing jitter in a dispersion-compensated WDM system," Optical communication, 36, 349–366, (2004).
• Ofir Aharon, Mirek Karasek Report, Optimization of 10Gbps optical line with Raman and Erbium Doped Amplifier (Czech Republic).